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Adsense News-Next and Previous buttons

How would it be if AdSense Ads had a "next" and "previous" button just below them?In such a case you can simply click the "next" button till you find the ads you want or are interested in,or go back to the one you might have missed by hitting the "back" button.Well Google has done just that.According to the "Inside AdSense"team "After months of testing, we've just updated our text ad format to include 'next' and 'previous' arrow buttons for cost-per-click (CPC) ads. When a user clicks on the 'next' button, an entirely new group of ads will appear in the ad unit, giving your users greater control over the ads they see and click." You will of course not be credited when your visitors hit only the "next" or "previous" buttons,and do not click the ads.The ads have to be clicked by your visitors for you as a publisher to get credited.


Unknown said...

It need more effort including seo, article submission, press release submission, social networking websites, youtube anysource where you can get traffic. Every online business need more aggresive promotion because there is big competition in internet marketing world.

Anonymous said...

very informative


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