Trackback and how It can help you to increase your blog traffic.It is actually a bit difficult to understand this until you actually go about doing it.A trackback may be defined as a form of blog conversation that interlinks two or more relevant blog entries,in a blog with that of a closely relevant or related entry,in another blog,in his blog by filling out the trackback section. The article so published,leaves a trackback on the other blog's article, which usually appears in the comments area as a truncated summary with a link. If you trackback someone else's blog post you are in effect leaving a link that points right back to your blog.Someone who happens to read the article may visit your blog through that link,so more traffic!!
In some cases, if that blog is not using the "nofollow" tag, you get some PageRank,advantage.Read more abut page ran here.The "nofollow" tag is a line of code,that when added to every link left in comments and trackbacks,prevents the search engines in following the link.Humans however view it like a standard link so can follow it like normal.
It's supposed purpose is to stop people spamming blog comments purely for links,but in my opinion is not that effective.Trackbacks are good because they bring traffic to your blog.It means another blogger has read your blog and deemed something you wrote worthy of including in their blog,with a good chance,of being linked to your blog with a direct link.When you start a blog,not many know about it's existence.By trackbacking other bloggers,you are showing,interest in their content which is an effective,way to make them interested in your blog.However many bloggers make the mistake of trackbacking, before their blog has any real content.This may bring new visitors,but they won't stay long or return top visit your blog, or bookmark you because of lack of any real content.So do not trackback until you have some real content.
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