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AdSense for feeds

As you might be already aware that,feeds are a way for websites,whether big orsmall to distribute their content well beyond just visitors using browsers. They permit,subscription to regular updates, delivered automatically via a web portal, reader, or email.As of now you can use "AdSense for feeds" only through your Google Account. Again,the only way to migrate your feeds from from FeedBurner to a Google account is a manual process.However Google,is working to,provide a self-service process to migrate from an account on the original FeedBurner website to a Google Account.You may use THIS LINK  wherein you will find a contact form to migrate all of your feeds, and your account from feeds.feedburner.com to Google.Google will migrate your account and contact you through your email with specific steps for you to follow once the migration is complete.To create your "AdSense for Feeds"log into to your AdSense account,go to "AdSense Setup"click "AdSense for Feeds"then follow the instructions on that page.Hopefully you will see an increase in your earnings.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the excellent information. I did not really understand how to do this at first. Keep up the great work here.


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