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Inbound links and it's importance

Did you know that building one way links gain ranking in search engines?,along with the much needed traffic!If you are running adsense on your site you know the importance of traffic.Of course traffic is required for earning any kind of income for that matter.Article marketing,is one of the best ways to generate one way links.However if it is difficult to write articles for an article directory,you can go in for social bookmarking,which is more better than article writing,particularly if your blog posts are short and captivating.But would it not take a lot of time to bookmark? Give you an idea .... use your browsers bookmark feature,save your user names and passwords..This should let you get done with in just about an hour,still tedious,but the resultant links of over an 100,should make you happy!So what are you waiting for?Get more traffic to your blog.Go in for social bookmarking. GOOGLE LOOKS AT WEB PAGES, NOT WEB SITES Did you know that ranking alogrithm of Google is based on how many other pages link to it.Got me?---"PAGES", and not "SITES">Turn this to you advantage by linking one blog entry to another.When you do this you are helping each blog post bring in more search engine traffic and boost it's rankings.However if you link up the posts in an irrelevant manner,your visitors will leave you.So concentrate on a few well placed relevant link.

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