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Site Targeting

Interested in knowing whether your web pages have been site targeted ?Why should you bother?Well,just to see how much money we are earning for CPC ads and how much for CPM ads.To do that all you have to do is to log in to your AdSense account,and view your Advanced Reports page. Then select AdSense for content as the product, then select 'Individual Ad Unit' from the drop-down menu.Then,tick a checkbox marked "Show data by targeting type - contextual or site."Then you will be able to see whether or not an advertiser has chosen that page for site targeting.And second, the eCPM for those pages.What you will most probably see is that the eCPM for those pages is much lower than the eCPM for the pages with contextual ads.Even Google in their blog has explained that site targeted ads most likely appear on lower performing pages within your account - in other words, pages requiring a lower eCPM to win the AdWords ad auction."In other words,is that if an advertiser site-targets a page on my website and succeeds in putting his ad there, it's because that page wasn't making me much money in the first place.So in effect a site-targeted campaign is increasing that page's earnings a little bit,and of course you should be pleased.On another angle,why was that page was making so little money,in the first place,so that a site-targeted bid was able to be successful?Got my point?So start comparing the layout and content of that page with your higher earning pages to see what you have been doing wrong,and take steps to set it right.

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