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A Feed and a Google Gadget to boost your traffic

Yes you heard that right..you must have seen Google's personalised home page..Igoogle?Many have heard about it and do visit that page.With a little bit of work you can get a share in that traffic!!How to go about it?Read on...You might be aware that iGoogle allows users to bring together their favorite content and services from around the web by adding feeds and gadgets to their Google homepage.But before that let us understand what a "Feed" and a "Gadget" is.It is a format that allows your content to be delivered (and subscribed to) on the Web. Gadgets:These are mini-applications created using simple HTML and JavaScript. You can present more complex information in a gadget,and also help users interact with your content.according to the Goolge Gadget centre,there are 3 steps to achieve success with a gadget:Create,Promote,Track & Optimize.So,once you have a Feed or Gadget,make sure to submit your feed or gadget to the iGoogle directory.The more the  popularity of  your gadget,the higher will be it's placement in these directories.This way  new readers will find your content,every time they visit their iGoogle page -- all of which can lead to more traffic for your site.As for me i shall be shortly adding gadgets soon.So come back and have a look!!

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