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Another adsense hack!!

Somewhere across the web i had first come across this suggested tweak for increasing adsense CTR.It certainly has helped me and afew others.I would now like to share the same with you.Hope it works for you too.Here we go....This hack will make your ads blend in a much better way with your text content.Removal of the link makes it easier to blend the ads with text - which could ensure higher CTR .Coming to the point you must have seen this"Advertise on this site"link on your Adsense ads. You are required to remove this link.Here's how to go about it: 1.Log in to your Google Adsense account. 2.Click on the ‘My Account‘ tab. 3.Scroll down the page until you reach this>>‘Onsite Advertiser Signup' 4. Click on the edit link. 5.Untick the box "Subscription:" After this the ads served to your site will be without the "Advertise on this site"link.The drawback will be that it will be difficult for those advertiser visitors who happen to visit your site to target ads specifically for your site. But iam sure you would agree with me that the vast majority of our visitors are very definitly not advertisers.Considering this fact,the benefits of the hack far outweighs the drawback mentioned.Again majority of the advertisers will not be interested in targeting ads on a new blog or blogs with low traffic.Try this hack.And if you think it has helped you,give me a linkback from your site.I will return the favor by putting your link on mine.

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