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Increase your Google Page Rank!!

Did you know that your google page rank is based on the number of backlinks your website has.The more the number of back links,the better the page rank your site will get.Now why bother about page rank?Your sites presence is very important for its survival.As i have time and again stressed on this blog,the more people see, or hear about your blog/website your sites credibility along with the chances of these visitors coming back will increase.Having these visitors come back,will possibly convert into more links and leads.Again it has become standard practice wherever you try to make money online you would have come across--"Your website should have page rank of 4 for us to ......"So got it?You want to make money from your site and you keep finding stumbling blocks such as these.This is where backlinks come in. How to get backlinks: Links from like contented websites. Gaining links from these can be quite frustrating.Most webmasters simply ignore your request for a link back,some others delete requests as spam.Whatever the reason,it is indeed very difficult to get a link back.But again no harm in making a request. As for me iam open to linking with any site as long as it is similiar in content to mine,is not a adult,spam or hate site.Are you running an AdSense site?Wanna link here?Put in a request under "comments".If you are running a site similiar in content to mine,i shall be happy to link to you.

1 comment:

Blackthought said...

How about linking to




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