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AdSense Referrals on the way out

All good things have to come to an end.So is the case with AdSense Refferals.Those of you currently using referral ads,to promote Google products or offerings from AdWords advertisers,this is to inform you all,that according to the Inside AdSense team AdSense Referrals code will no longer display ads beginning the last week of August.To quote them "We're constantly looking for ways to improve AdSense by developing and supporting features which drive the best monetization results for our publishers. Sometimes, this requires retiring existing features so we can focus our efforts on the ones that will be most effective in the long term. For this reason, we will be retiring the AdSense Referrals program during the last week of August." So  remove all referral code from your sites before the last week of August.Create and save all reports related to the referrals program.You can replace the referral ad units with standard AdSense for content ad unit,if you have less than three AdSense for content ad units on a page.  

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