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Opening a PayPal Account

A Pay Pal account is free to open.There is no amount required.You just agree to the Terms and Terms and Conditions,after reading it,and fill the required details on the account opening form. You can transfer funds from your bank accounts to your PayPal account at no charge.When you recieve payment to your paypal account you can transfer the same to your bank account at a charge.If you are a "verified"individual you have no limits to sending money.As an Unverified member of PayPal you can only send up to your initial sending limit in the PayPal system.By becoming Verified, you will be able to send unlimited funds with your PayPal account. You can get "verified" by adding a credit card.Debit Cards (also called check cards, ATM cards, or banking cards) are accepted if they have a Visa or MasterCard logo.This said it is not compulsory to get verified.These are the only basics you need to know.Google at prsent does not have an option to pay through paypal.May be in the near future it will.

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