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AdSense News:PIN threshold reduced!!!

Google has reduced the validation procedure that starts when your earnings have reached to $10.So,you might see a request to enter your PIN ie..the Personal Identification Number,much earlier.You might be aware that,in order to make sure that the AdSense account details,provided by the publishers are valid and correct,Google does a validation by PIN program where you are required to enter the PIN that Google sends to you by post,into your account,in order to receive payment, and, in some locations,by verification of your phone number. THE CHANGE:PREVIOUSLY:your information was verified by one of the above means when your earnings reached$50.NOW:That is reduced to $10.You are now likely to receive see a PIN arrive in your mailbox soon, as well as a prompt in your account to verify your phone number. Pls check out the information on these,by going to the the links in the 'Required Actions' box on your Payment History page.

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