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Increase CTR by improving your web page-1

1. Balance the graphics,text,images on your web page to improve CTR and conversions.Think over when you enter a website where do first look?90% of the time it is the top left of the page.Do you bother about graphics and images?Most of you would say "no".You tend to play close attention to the content of the page and if it is of interest to you then you stay on the page for a little longer and go to the other pages on the site.It is also the case with 90% of the internet users.So do not think that you can attract visitors with images and graphics.A well balanced mixture of graphics,text,and images is the way to go.This will make your web pages pleasing to the eye of the visitor. 2.It is always better to remove unnecessary clutter especially,unnecessary visuals.This will enable visitors to your site to focus their attention on important content on your site.Do not fill up each every space on your site.Leave some blank.This will make your page look more professional and pleasing to the eye,at the same time making it easy for your visitors to find important links and also navigate easily,thereby making your visitor stay longer on your site. 3.Most webmasters,are not bothered about the size of their web site colors and fonts,and font sizes.I have seen some sites which carry fonts which are very very small and difficult to read.I would personally suggest a font size between 11-14 points,in either Arial or Verdana.Also strike a good balance between your background color and the text,which is visually pleasing but does not affect the readability of the text.A text on a gray or white background would be my suggestion.

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