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Boosting traffic by unethical means

Some of you bloggers may be just interested in getting a fat cheque from AdSense.Content can go to hell.This article is a must read for such bloggers.Some most common tip is on boosting the popularity of your blog,or making it look like it is very popular,by artificially boosting their link, ranks and hits by joining 3rd parties exchange website. If you think by channeling traffic to your blog,will lead to increased earning from AdSense,better give it a second thought.Do you really think that Google is just going to sit back and hand over the fat cheques,you have earned,by artificially boosting your traffic?Do you really think that they are really that stupid?Believe me such third-rated tricks are not going to work. Read this from the official blog of Google""We understand that our publishers are always looking for ways to attract interested users to their sites. But using third-party tools or services to increase your site traffic may lead to invalid clicks or impressions and result in your account being disabled. For this reason, we'd like to provide you with some guidance about this. "So it is quite clear that any means of artificially generating ad impressions or clicks, including third-party services such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs,and any programs offering incentives for users to view web pages or click on ads, resulting in activity that is considered unethical by Google,and so best avoided,to protect your AdSense account from being banned.

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