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Are you violating the adsense TOS?-1

How do I have the adsense ads open in a new windows when clicked instead of the parent window?___This was a question asked by one of my readers. ANSWER:You are not permitted by adsense tos to change the default behaviour of adsense ads served.READ THIS>>>"Any AdSense code must be pasted directly into webpages without modification. AdSense participants are not allowed to alter any portion of the code or change the behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads. For instance, clicks on Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched. "SOURCE:https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py? answer=48182&sourceid=aso&subid=ww-ww-et-asui&medium=link        =================================================================================== Another question that was asked was whether the adsense code can be regenerated and then pasted?ANSWER:Sorry,your are not permitted by adsense tos to change the default behaviour of adsense ads served.And so you are not permitted to do any alteration.READ THIS>>>"Any AdSense code must be pasted directly into webpages without modification. AdSense participants are not allowed to alter any portion of the code or change the behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads. "SOURCE:https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py? answer=48182&sourceid=aso&subid=ww-ww-et-asui&medium=link

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