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Idea of making more money with high paying ads

The idea of making money with high paying keywords may work if you are a Search Engine Optimization expert.Without a top position in SERPS, there will be no traffic;without traffic, there will be no one who will click on your ads.You are right in your thinking that when these high paying keywords are clicked, you will be getting a huge amount of money. But you should also realize that there are many people,literally hundreds of thousands,thinking along the same lines as you,and you will face a heavy competition to reach the top position in SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages). So enrich your site with rich content,which will bring in more visitors naturally,which could lead to an increase in your clicks.Do not be under the impression that the moment you target high paying keywords,you can get rich super-fast.Believe me,there is no short cut to earning fast from adsense,other than writing rich original content of high quality.Once you do that,you will automatically be served with higher paying ads.

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