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Google Dance

What is a Google Dance.Google has 3 main servers: www.google.com - The main homepage of google. www2.google.com - Assumed to be a test server. www3.google.com - Assumed to be a test server. During the month, Google sends out crawlers to crawl the web and archive every website it comes across.These websites will be presented in the next upcoming update of the Google index (data.ase). This update process is initiated once in 30 days,approx.,.Sometimes there have been instances of the procees taking more than 30 days between updates.As already said,many experts have assumed that www2 & www3 servers are test servers.Of course it has not been officially confirmed by Google.Different results are displayed by the 3 Google servers during the update,and as the results vary from server to server they are said to be "dancing", hence the name "Google Dance".The test servers are the ones that get close attention during the "Dance".

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