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Increase Your CTR

With adsense you may sometimes on some days get lots of clicks.Some days you may not get even a single click.Getting clicks on and off is normal.However ad placements in addition to rich content do play a role in your click throughs.In order to increase your chances of getting clicks, i would suggest the following:1.Do not place your ads on the side bar at all as normally ads on the side-bar does not catch the attention of the visitors.If you do place it,do not place it way below the page.Move it to the top.2.The best place for ads is to place them so that it is part of your content.This way it catches the eye of the visitors,easily. 3.Blend your ad colors so that it matches the color of your web pages.4.For the ads to be pasted in the content area,select the 468x60,336 by 280 large rectangle,300 by250 medium rectangle.5.Place some link units at the top of your page.That's it.Try it.Above all keep moving around the ads,keep experimenting,leave the ads in the new position for 2 weeks or more,see if it increases your click throughs.You are likely to, at one point, find what really works for your site. Good Luck!

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