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Clickbot.You must be dying to lay your hands on it.Right?Well,remember,as i have said earlier,iam personally against,the use of any illegal methods to boost a publishers income from not only adsense but from any other advertiser network.It is also against the TOS of Adsense to use automated software to click on your ads.You will be kicked out of Google Adsense,faster than you imagined.You can increase your earnings through legal and easier ways already mentioned on this site and believe me i know what iam writing about and many of my friends have already reported increase in their earnings due to increased CTR and high paying ads,following genuine,legal methods without using any automated softwares..Coming back to the topic..Clickbot is a special intelligent bot made to simulate clicking.You might remember that in the year 2004 a Califorinian man was arrested for blackmailing Google into paying him $150,000,to hand over a clickbot program he had made.Those in the computer field will know that creating a clickbot is simple.All you need is a macro to record your activities. I would say that,Google will definitly catch up with you,and you will definitly,recieve an email,informing you that your AdSense account is disabled.This sort of fraud falls under organised crime and you could even face arrest.So why take all this trouble?Write rich content,boost your traffic,get high paying targetted ads as a result and around 3-4 clicks a day can make your day while playing within the rules.

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