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Keywords-10 Traffic on misspelt words

How can you optimise your keywords if they are too common and gain more traffic to your website? You may include misspellings in your meta tag keywords, as there are many visitors who either type too fast or simply do not know the spelling of the search term.You may benef from this category of traffic.Misspellings do help but do not expect a massive increase intraffic.while optimizing your web site think of yourselfrom the point of view of a visitor.When you do that you are likely to come up with certain keywords which could just prove to increase your website traffic.Try to come up with a unique query. Then enter each of these into your meta tag and wait for your traffic to increase.Target those people who know little or nothing about the content you are writing on your blog. join discussion groups,forum,and just about any place where you can make others talk about your site.Keep an open mind on the words used about your site during such discussions.You may grab one or two keywords which you can probably use.Good luck!!

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