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Kontera ads

Kontera credits your account each time a visitor clicks on a link,on your site. To apply for an Kontera ContentLink™ account, you need to submit your site URL,on which you are intending to put KontentLink. Once approved, sign in, get your script, and paste them just before the < / body > tag in site template. You can find the < / body > tag at the bottom of the template,which will be the second last line,before the last line < / html >.Paste it there and and save. Kontera ContentLink™ will be,viewable in usually a few minutes. Kontera's algorithms will identify the most relevant keywords in the content of your site, changed it into a link and display a relevant "pop-up" or tool-tip when a visitor hovers over the link.The advantage of Kontera ContentLink™ over Google AdSense is that ContentLink™ are in-text ads,Kontera ContentLink™ ads,which can be "pop-up" or tool-tip are spread over the whole of the text while Google Ads are fixed at a particular spot on the page.As to whether you can have both Kontera ContentLink™,as well as Google AdSense ads on the same page,...yes,it is possible without violating their TOS.

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