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Adsense and malls
Chitika eMiniMalls:Another way to monetise your blog this is a type of ad that you can use to monetize your blog.The ads are served in different sizes,and usually have a photo of a product,along with some tabs running across the top having the words“Description”, “Reviews”, “Best Deals”, and “Search”.You get a detailed ad,then you move the cursor over the top of these tabs.
The ads are customizable,can be targeted either by keywords, input when the ad code is generated or contextually just as AdSense.You are allowed to make some changes to the design of your ads by changing colors of borders, title and text to match your blog.
Again like AdSense and YPN these ads pay per click which may range from $0.10 to as much as several dollars.As long as Chitika eMiniMall ads are set to be on non contextual and to target specific keywords,you can used it along with AdSense.
Referral program:pay out at 10% of any clicks of your referrals in the first 1 year and 3 months.The program allows you to choose between different Ad formats.
You are paid your earnings,by paypal at the end of each month,if you have earned at least $10 or you can have a standard cheque when your earning reach $50.
Since Chitika’s ads are totally product based,they will work best for you if you have a blog on
Digital Cam, Laptops,PC Monitor and etc.
Even if your blog is not on these products it is still worth giving a try as to whether it will work for you.
Think i have given you a good idea?Do keep revisiting this site and another one of mine HERE.
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