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Have you noticed this?

Have you noticed this>>>>>>>>"Allowed sites" in your adsense account after you log in?After concerns expressed by many adsense publishers that potentially malicious websites had the opportunity to steal the adsense code and place it in an inappropriate site Google has introduced this new feature for publishers.This feature would now allow you more control over which sites or URLs can have your adsense code.A welcome feature.When you use this feature sites on which ads are displayed with your id,but without your clearance,the ads will still show on that site or URL,-- however,impressions and clicks will not be recorded, advertisers will not be charged,and of course you will also not receive any earnings for that site.But do not forget to whitelist your own new domain name.The same rules will apply if you do not include your site in the "allowed sites"and you could lose potential earnings.So better keep your "Allowed Sites" list up to date if you decide to use this feature.

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