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Adwords for increasing Traffic

The cost of advertising is based on how many potential customers at the time of clicking the ads get converted to customers upon completing the action for which the advertiser had advertised.So you guessed it--those advertisers whose ads get clicked stand to lose if a lot of visitors just click and do not complete the action by purchasing/joining or whatever.Depending upon the bids of the advertiser on the keywords,the cost may be very cheap or very heavy.So 3 tips for advertisers who are running a pay per click program-- Campaign in major search engines when starting a PPC, as many of the smaller search engines,may get little or no traffic.Look for those search engines which will allow you too "pause" your campaign.This will enable you to start another campaigning targeting another set of keywords if you are not getting the results.It is only by trial and error method can you learn what keyword campaign converts and what does not.Start with a small amount till you are confident and the results show that it is converting.Use of the word "FREE"as one of the keywords is to be avoided.People have realized nothing is "free"barring a few and normally will avoid it ending your campaign double fast.Google ad words allows you to "PAUSE"your campaign at any point of time.If you have decided to run a PPC campaign you can increase targeted traffic to your site

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