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Creating something which people want to link to is called link baiting.Podcasting,tools,awards,games,content can all be used for linkbaiting.In comparing the rest,content is probably the easiest of all to create. and a great way to go about linkbaiting. All you need is a little bit of imagination,to make your content a must read.If you want to make your content a hot link baiter create that content which is currently in demand.Keep an eye on top news and current affairs,related to your blog,and break it first.This should in all probability create return visitors along with making your blog a hot spot for visitors.Again if you miss the "Breaking news"spot there is absolutely no harm in riding on some current top news provided they relate to your blog.If you are already writing rich unique content,then your whole blog by itself is a link baiter. Start a list containing links to submit your articles to article submission sites or your blog to search engines or a list of free directories to get your site listed on.Press releases and social networks are the best places for linkbaiting. Write smashing killer headlines which is capable of enticing the visitors.Then there is what is called a "Linkbaiting Package" for a certain amount.What you get is an article to copy and paste on your site,which is then promoted through social networks.

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