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I sometimes am disappointed with fellow surfers.I recently went to a cyber cafe where one of my friends was browsing.He happened to come across an affiliate link,the offer,of which he happened to like.He avoided the affiliate link which showed him the product he happened to like ,copied the url and made a straight purchase,avoiding the affiliate link.Now i fail to understand why surfers like him do not realise that purchasing or signing up under an affiliate link does not affect monetarily the person going through the affiliate link.Even if you make a straight purchase you are not going to get any discount on the product or service chosen by you. Of course the affiliate through whose link the purchase is made or through whom there is a sign up is paid by the company in question a commision.So what??Come on guys,this affiliate is the one who introduced u to the product or service..Right?So what if he makes a little money in the process without affecting you?After all even if you do not go through the affiliate link,you are going to pay the same amount for the product,had you made the purchase through the affiliate link.Got my point....Give a little bit of credit to the person who made your life easier by introducing you to the product or service.You have nothing to lose.So if you come across an affiliate link next time and like what is being offered be generous---complete the transaction through the link..PLS??

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